fnctId=bbs,fnctNo=16558 RSS 2.0 7 건 게시물 검색 제목 작성자 게시글 리스트 MRMU - Midrise Mixuse 책 출간 작성자 진교진 조회 11 첨부파일 0 작성일 2023.10.26 판매 사이트 연결 영종도 근생 작성자 진교진 조회 153 첨부파일 4 작성일 2022.09.29 Re-imagine Chicago South Side: Carnival City 작성자 진교진 조회 71 첨부파일 1 작성일 2022.09.29 Statement:Carnival: StrategicTemporal Festivity and the Politics of Shared Joy“Justas an individual person dreams fantastic happenings to release the inner forceswhich cannot be encompassed by ordinary events, so too a city needs itsdreams.”-Christopher Alexander In 1892, the World’sColumbian Exposition was held in Chicago. The city set aside some sections of thetown to be used for a carnival that would display people’s utmost creativityand optimism. People were able to open their eyesto possibilities beyond the stagnant conventions that they have known and whichare difficult to break away from in ordinary life. In today’s Chicago, asimilar stagnant prolongation of urban conception exists in Chicago’s southside. Its pervasive shrinkage is apparent from looking at the vacancy in itsurban housing community, which increases in a gradient manner as you go south.As a solution, we proposean Art Carnival to take place in those vacant lots―a temporal event thatinvites the city’s northern habitants to enjoy time together with theirneighbors to the south. This grass-root-type of process of creating art needsvarious level of expertise. Residents will benefit from the carnival as a meansto embrace the role of active protagonist. The entire process of executing theevent will be received as a communal urban gesture that brings people togetherto achieve intricate bundle of processes in unison and, in the end, resultingin a massive form of art. The carnival that turns “vacancy” into“spaces that are available for exciting carnivals” can turn city’s visionaround, and break the prolonged image that once endured. Metals in Construction 2017 작성자 진교진 조회 87 첨부파일 5 작성일 2022.09.29 Chungju City Hall 작성자 진교진 조회 63 첨부파일 2 작성일 2022.09.29 saturate the moment 작성자 진교진 조회 72 첨부파일 3 작성일 2022.09.29 https://youtu.be/s6-lLzhdc-c https://youtu.be/OxDez4Olt7w 신봉동 주택 작성자 진교진 조회 149 첨부파일 4 작성일 2022.09.28 처음 1 끝 처음 끝